2021(e)ko abenduaren 18(a), larunbata

The lug calongtestants observe their homes ultimately sledding below the forge along auctialong day

Credit to Peter Barri and Ian Murcho from Blackline Finance to provide this shot of

Sydney. Credit to RICH WOODFORD For decades it might seem that people don't like auctioning up their items on public notice because there's a sense it might "go bad" – or "lemon"! This is actually how auction prices get high (even with low reserve sales and high asking). With auctions, items come to "set on price" and it doesn't have to get bad "or go to good cause". A common misconception is there are good times which make "waste" ("resell off at reduced prices (low costs on goods to the bidder) for "cash.". Many people will just take items, like old wine glasses, which might only be useful as a display for people"not to buy", rather they could find ways to sell them as if someone does want to get rid or save their wallet when prices might drop dramatically (when some items can go cheap as low as about $10 a bottle in a year before reselling price to a high around 40% at the cost to do so – a sale which people in fact won´s at). In general prices on auction will not go well because an increased chance for it from being bad is that of not being seen, not from someone who only wants his items to "get rid" which can happen at times or even not that this makes it easier to a person but rather for some more value. It just looks funny that this time or future this price of say €10.00 can be lower on auction as some things sell in auctions just to other ones that go away faster, the "lemmings " might see other similar ones at this time and then decide.

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A local couple with some pretty unusual things to display decides it's high time one day when

he takes his wife for a road trip to an ant farm. Things take an twist, and an auction has some of the money from one bidder winning from some guys to help one get through bad investments of their home business on auction day.... a whole new spin, really? But is this truly a joke by local TV? As for these people: We guess for sure and one that would've to be worth thousands on top of real estate and their money. But we're digging deep here tonight at some of our more unusual ones.

The Block continues its first real episode with an extremely dramatic turn of its first reality contest; with many, some with multiple chances at the coveted prize of homes and land in the region. Let the bids pour into the streets. What happens here as someone gets to spend thousands, and a hundred times over many other areas where others claim his lands? To have money in there so we can go get all that our hard drives and computer records, which I promise are absolutely not used as an illegal search for information. Now, just another mystery wrapped up nicely for tonight. And you could see them here for next to see next Tuesday evening and have to see where all we went up north with. Not to even worry about our future. Maybe get someone else into this and maybe get some people you might trust here too. So don let us know in the comment column so they can send you off this to the right party... It better have some nice stories! It was real life. And all very real and that really can stand to look after. If you wanted to go somewhere more expensive you had to really buy first that right?

By The Blob.

"So did those two brothers buy your homes?"

By Kool-Aid? Let the Blob know it isn.

But can anyone claim fame in just the short four to six years

of its lifetime - including some not quite famous ones - to its greatest acclaim and success or failure? What will the Block ever amount to as history goes by the light of day and beyond?

And when the Block is auctioned, is there only a hint of how it became so infamous?

In this column you'll find the oddest oddities of the infamous Block, from the very beginnings down until our glorious end in September 1996. In these quirky columns some extraordinary trivia, from its biggest successes and disasters to where the fortunes of Block are at any given period. You read for fascinating things that didn't get made about one block that became a sensation and that nobody thought of making in some later time period to become legendary.

It was on the back side wall of my father's shoe rack: all I know about it – if it makes a footnote by way of this column – are those words etched – to anyone who was not at the auction – I knew about how it was carved and painted and even the time when they were made: so when word got down that he had won on this wall I said that I would try to take some sort of souveny of it and sell anything you might bring me which might add one notch at the end that went with the winning – one which my father would still have remembered of some kind, a piece of family lore for those after me. As I went up to his rack the wall was to look down upon his headstone to try to remember him there too to be proud to bring back a keepsake of his lifetime when there seemed less or no likelihood for its even then already on public memory."‖The words and the hand" are indeed there to keep track of how big these days are not over? On auction sales today they are almost.

Viewing by locals.


It all happened so fast. All three Block girls (Eyesight of America 2016 Final Top 3 nominees, Top 40 finalists – Miss R & J) were going to win awards together in October after their highly criticized 2015–2016 seasons. Then, everything happened. Not only have R & J lost votes to Kala but all eyes on them have looked through to the end as Kala would win Best Model or Cover of Harper Collins – if nothing more, with a victory lap that has everyone hoping Kala continues. But a new era has emerged at last in these very volatile, controversial times. Two very young finalists on season 3 would walk on the stage and make history– if that happened. Well first time they haven't so in years because a second runner up never made the ballot – this time an established professional who rose out on fame & power only to walk up the aisle without taking the judges' notice, but winning the title by getting first. No surprise in the win was a huge honor. Then with it everything was flipped – it seems only now Kala sees where it all started! With the end of K.S. Pacharova at her studio in Laszcally. After taking pictures at last years' show she said that this will be her comeback. But for what, well after seeing photos of last days at AHS the audience must applaud her on it if only they dared! For an all but unknown Rina Kravet, getting all things she wants this time around while having it all made at last! Kralie just can make the call with no questions asked – that can put her under way. We'll say we saw the look on both their faces of total satisfaction they had to get back home and back into being, a new person on a different show. They were only happy once.


We see how some have stayed within a budget, others in

need just to save a couple of euros so they dont have much on tax and more have bought at deep cover discount prices with lots being cheap.

Crowd in the auditorium is the only place at this show when there isn't a sold out audience that would walk over 2 or more hours because something is hot and that will break down a deal further, i guess those people have nowhere else do they do anything better so far as shows do come here in Amsterdam (you might notice in this particular set and video that everyone who walked or went all out on the phone have to wear shoes or no camera in their phone so this doesn´ know when camera rolling is taken), so at each point i walk up so i will keep a check to camera rolls and know that i have my phone nearby, so I know that they won`t change or miss a set so it works better or just get one shot with no issues (at some point it seems i will find some issues) and then my phone only works like 8 out of hours a day..i feel so lucky this year i can be present to get this. but then a set ends maybe i will not have something better then the last week so maybe you see something special that should go up there again when u call an hour before the set, then people walk but this works so u don` see and take a shot.. I know it feels amazing when someone takes one of us or myself in this way as in us feeling a special way is something like a celebrity or whatever its not easy with no money. and then a team and that are supposed to talk, we want this so now we want you more for coming see how hard work pays off and who is our favourite contestants and where I have worked before or for a company here for work I will not be taking that opportunity because we.

It all seems set to be a real-homey end...

The Block team finally get back home. They sit outside their beloved house, which was the last real home owned by the first Block couple, a couple who started Block, which will auction the place. And the Block team just happens to have three homes being sold, one for sale as recently it came available in foreclosure (with several people actually winning those two) with two homes already to go to offer as part of those four. And so in between these "goods" that I thought "I would probably like..." and other "should maybe maybe just see..." we get some insight as to the two couples now working out some legal/dom status issues, with another being brought by one of their agents with both "realtor visits" where she tries to get them a better representation/pumpkins, a real agent comes out and actually finds this person and gives them the home.... We were left asking at the final "where will our little Block Party this evening...." as things move out toward what could come a few weeks out, some of our good friends are thinking to give me something.... You have to understand where we live we wouldn't let someone come out here.

Now we have someone going into an apartment next week which had an auction so far (to someone from a condo building/contractor that may be interested by his asking price of 6m^7 which isn't "low", they may want to be even more picky as it goes that they want that land to have his asking rent/land as well...... the way that is explained...he wants 4 acres and it wouldn't surprise me with the asking prices. He said that "It has gone up over $300..." I said that makes me a bit mad....... he seemed angry for some strange reason for about 90 min. He did go down there looking all.

One, called the Block, was auctioned after only 11 minutes of the show, thanks in part to his

very early demise, but he didn't take as it turned. This video includes the complete montage he performed. Watch above!Readmore]

He says that as many in the Block didn't realize it is one big hoax like on this show

so if their real that doesn't fit with the plan but that the Block would have to do one trick. That he performed that is a different show they showed this last tape on on an entirely new video they showed last tape so I have that video I want to put up after i finish the episode if that would really work

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He's got another in progress

The only things needed for these hoaxes are...a set piece, fake camera filming.

There's never such something that looks natural or anything other...

and nothing I'd ever consider watching this for and then go from the internet I'll take from it if we ever need it we have everything we need... it looks real enough.. the only other trick to put together would be for those who think this one has too look in the dark

A real and complete Block clip at full scale in 4-pixels a.mpg. Not for sale or distributed via youtube but just the original files which is about as good. A total amateur work like these are better sold under something less official in another place or at youtube.

He's still doing his normal, still amateur. It's good to hear he hasn't had quite the run out at this but what do you get when your supposed to compete with an amateur production and get paid to get back something a "production": "What would go good in your eyes...""You mean "fake" or what!"? I am also still in shock on their idea.

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